Friday, March 25, 2011

Confession Friday

I confess that I have stalked my baby registry to see what people have bought for us

I confess that I have laughed out loud 3 times today because of what I read on other people blogs or emails that were sent to me

I confess that today my jeans feel so tight I would give my left arm for some yoga pants

I confess we just got photos of Addy and it reduced me to tears.  He's 9 months old today

I confess that when news of Addis comes in I don't get any work done for the rest of the day

I confess that I stopped mid post for the past hour so I could email back & forth with other AP's and share our update photos.  Thanks for sharing ladies!

I confess that I haven't packed my stuff for our trip back to Ethiopia because I'm afraid that packing it will jinx us about the call

I confess that I'm still one of those people who STILL watch Survivor but this season I'm really not feeling it.  It's finally become old.  It's embarrassing to say that it took 20 seasons (give or take) for me to say this

I confess that I have nothing on my desk and I've been doing other peoples work to stay busy

I confess that I only went to the gym once this week.  I'm finding it impossible to get out of bed.

I confess that last night I had a disturbing dream that I had a huge bald spot on my head and I tried to cover it with a comb over.  Obviously this is an anxiety dream.

I confess I have a reoccuring anxiety dream that my teeth are falling out.  My dream always has me losing my teeth and they start falling out while I'm talking to someone and I try to hide the fact my teeth are falling out

I confess that I'm soooo over the snow & cold.  I really hate winter.  I love summer, sunshine & hot weather.  My "go to" mental tidy activity is to lie out on the sun and read a good book while listening to music and soaking up rays

I confess I will go home tonight and have Brian load the new photos onto a stick thingy and head straight to Walmart to print them off so I can add Addy's new photos to my brag book

I confess my heart melts when my niece does this.... she looks at Addy's photo and says "Addis, come home".  She 2 and cute as a button.  Do you think if we sent a video of that to Nairobi it would light a match and speed this up

I confess I'm not opposed to using a 2 year old to speed this process up

I confess I'm going to the mall to buy some shoes for the wedding I'm going to tomorrow.  I'm recycling a dress so I should at least get new shoes.

I confess I can't go to a function (wedding, funeral, Xmas party) without something new to wear


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