Monday, February 28, 2011

Time to Stop Complaining and Start Doing

So, I seem to be in a never ending battle with the scale.  This battle is epic.  It's gone on for years.  I'm determined though to win in the end.  I will not be beaten by the cruelest invention in the world.  Seriously, who invented the scale and how do I go about kicking his ass?

About a year ago I started trying to lose weight.  I had creeped up to my highest weight ever.  I felt really bad about it.  I should start by saying that my husband never once said anything about my weight or made me feel fat.  In fact, he always told me how pretty I am or how great I looked.  Obviously I know now that my husband is a world class liar.  I guess to be fair he could just have a serious case of love blinders.  Anyway, my feelings were all my own and I decided it was time to stop complaining about it and do start doing something about it.  I started eating better and I joined bootcamp.  I did 5 months of bootcamp which really gave me a great kick start.  I started seeing a nutrionist and learned I am an emotional eater.  She helped me recognize some of my triggers and ways to work around them.  I had to write down what I eat every day and weigh in once a week.  Once my bootcamp sessions were done I got a gym membership.  I went to the gym faithfully 4-5 times a week.  I lost about 25 lbs.  So here's where things go a little astray.  I stopped going to the nutritionist - my sessions we up and I couldn't afford to keep going, I got sick before Christmas, then we went to Ethiopia, now I'm stressed about Addis coming home and how long it's taking and etc, etc.  I've fallen off the wagon and the damn scale is laughing at me.  I can hear it when I pull it out.  It's saying "Bahahaha, you've failed".  My pants are starting to do the same thing.  Slowly but surely, my weight is creeping up.  A half of a pound here, 2 pounds there.  Well no more!  I will not creep up into the next dress size, I will lose the 5-6 pounds I know I have put on in the last few weeks.  I have photocopied my food diary and I will start keeping track of what I'm eating again.  I will write my weight on the food diary at the beginning of each week.  I will hold myself accountable for what I'm eating, getting in 8 glasses or more of water a day and I will get my lazy backside to the gym.  Take that scale!  I'm back and more determined then ever.  I took out the post-it my friend made for me.  It says MOTIVATION at the top of it and a stick figure family portrait underneath.  I started all this because I wanted to look great in our photos with our child.  I now carry this post-it in my wallet again and I'll look at it every day to remind myself why I'm doing this.  I want to be healthy for my child and I want to set a good example about health & nutrition.  I'm not saying I won't still have the occasional love affair with ketchup chips.  Let's be serious here... life's not worth living if you have to only eat Baked Lays.  Ew!  And try as I might, I don't see kicking chicken wings completely to the curb, but I do promise that I will eat these in moderation.


  1. Congrats to you for getting back on the 'wagon' - i am actually joining you on the wagon - so welcome to the club!!!

  2. Well I am rooting for ya. My secret is I just don't have a scale, so it can't mock me. The downside is if I lost 10 pounds I would have no idea.

  3. Well, I have much more than 25 pounds to lose, but can still relate to the up-and-down phenomenon, and the scale mockery.

    GOod for you for getting back on the wagon before you regain all of the progress you made earlier. That's AWESOME!

    And I'd have to say that, although I've only seen one tiny picture of you, you look great to me, too...and I don't think your husband and I are both lying!!


