Friday, February 11, 2011

Confessions Friday

So I've been told that Friday's are for confessions in the world of blogging so here goes nothing.

I confess I'm a terrible blogger. I've had this account for a while and I've only written two posts besides this one.

I confess that I've been to Ethiopia and met my son and not blogged about it (see above confession)

I confess I watch Jersey Shore. It is my guilty pleasure.

I confess I'm totally addicted to General Hospital & All My Children. I'm 2 months behind but they are either on tape or the PVR and I can't bring myself to stop watching

I confess I'm an emotional eater and I struggle with my weight and with staying motivated to maintain my weight loss

I confess I love ketchup chips

I confess I don't like anyone using Addy's things. I bought them for him and until he uses them I feel they aren't for sharing.

I confess I have a great husband. Everyone thinks so too.

I confess when people say "your husband is nice, he's soooo nice", I hear "why is he with her?"

I confess that my idea of a great night is a long hot bubble bath with a drink, a good book and some relaxation music

I confess I've writing this blog but don't know if people will follow, mostly because I'm computer deficient and don't know how to share my blog with people

I confess I didn't love Ethiopia and I feel guilty about it

I confess I'm looking forward to going back to Ethiopia, not just for the obvious that I get to pick up my son, but also because I hope to be able to look at it with some perspective and learn to like it more as it's important to me to like the country my son is from


  1. You forgot to confess that you love Cheetos!!!

  2. hahah, i love the confession friday's!! Hopefully you will get there fast and maybe we can meet there, we will be leaving in 4 weeks....


  3. Welcome and thanks for sharing your blog! Thanks for sharing!! i do beleive that confession is good for the soul!

  4. Welcome to Confession Fridays! If you are free for dinner again I would love to meet up again and hear the details of your trip - good and not so great parts.
