Friday, August 19, 2011

Confession Friday

I confess that I hate wallpaper.  I have just spent the last few days removing wallpaper from our new house and I'm so sore I can't even lift up Addis.  That stuff just would not come off and now it feels like my elbow is on fire.  Hating wallpaper and the person who invented it.

I confess that this has been a long, tough week full of physical labour and I'm not really enjoying it.  I'm more of a laying on the couch with a good book girl then a roll up my sleeves and dig into work girl.  If anyone is looking for a nice housewarming gift I leave you with this suggestion: massage gift certificate.

I confess that this week Addis has slept through the night four times.  FOUR TIMES!!!!  It's sheer heaven.

I confess that I got a ticket for talking on my cell phone this week.  Shame on me.  STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.  I know better. 

I confess my dad got home from England yesterday and it was really nice to see him.  He's been gone a month and I missed him while he was away.

I confess I need a day to myself and soon.  I feel burnt out.  I dream of going away to a hotel with a jacuzzi tub and staying there all weekend.  I would bring a few good books and just laze in the tub or in bed and revel in the sweet silence.

I confess that right now I'm listening to Addis pounding on the front door.  Obviously I won't be enjoying much quiet time today.

I confess that lately Addis has taking up screaming to get attention and I'm at a loss of how to handle it.  I'm open to any and all suggestions, so please give some if you have any. 

I confess that people just showed up to help us start moving so I need to sign off and get cracking.

1 comment:

  1. yay for more sleep!! way to go Addis!! Also glad that your dad is back - i know how close you are and can understand how much you have missed him. Hope the move is going well. See you soon.
